Networking News and Tips

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7 Tips for Effective Virtual Networking

Prepare for your next virtual Northside Networking event by following these tips for success.
  1. Add your contact info to the Chat box when you join.
  2. Maintain a professional image. Dress as if you were going to an in-person event--business casual is great.
  3. Be prompt! We'll start on time.
  4. Want connections? Let everyone know during your pitch (e.g. strategic partners, clients, customers).
  5. Be generous. Think of networking as "what can I do for you" rather than 'what can you do for me".
  6. Prepare multiple pitches for when you have someone from previous rounds in your group.
  7. Follow up afterward. Connect on LinkedIn and schedule a call or zoom.
  8. Have Fun! - bonus tip...just because :)


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