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Master Zoom in 10 Steps

zoom meeting
Before your next virtual meeting or networking event, try these tips to enhance your online image and presentation.
  1. Hold your space bar down to temporarily unmute, then let go when done talking (like a walkie talkie).
  2. Keep your light source in front of you, not behind.
  3. Position your camera so it's just above your eye level so your head is tilted slightly up.
  4. Maintain "eye contact" by looking directly into your camera when speaking.
  5. If on a phone, rotate the phone so it's horizontal (landscape).
  6. Keep the camera stationary. Don't walk around with your phone, and don't place your laptop on your lap.
  7. Remove distractions from the background or use virtual backgrounds.
  8. Reduce background sounds by wearing earbuds or a headset if possible.
  9. If you've never used Zoom on your device, visit so you can install the software and test your video/audio before the meeting.
  10. Need further help? try this.


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